1.Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Alakhpura Godaran provides education from class 1st to class 12th .Therefore, it is expected that the juniors are treated with love and affection by their seniors while they show due respect to their seniors.
2.All the students are expected to greet their school teachers when they meet them whether they actually teach them or not.
3.All the students must attend school regularly and punctually.
4.All students must submit a leave application for more than 2days leave.
5.All students are to attend academic programmes, co-curricular activities, school functions and other school related programmes.
6.Students are expected to respect school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls.
7.Bullying, use of abusive and foul language or violent behaviour in any form are punishable offences.
8.Students are advised to keep their classroom, school building and campus as clean as possible and throw leftovers into the dustbins.